Denver Gem Cutting, LLC - Gem Cutting and Lapidary service Think of us as your in-house gem cutting shop. We cut your gems the way you want them cut. We do all types of lapidary work from custom faceting and cabochon cutting to inlays and gemstone carving as well as gemstone repairs.
Rails 3.2.13, Bootstrap 3 & Simple_form '3.1.0.rc1 ... - GitHub 2014年5月7日 - simple_form - Forms made easy for Rails! It's tied to a simple ...
simple_form | | your community gem host 3.0.2. Forms made easy! installgem install simple_form. Download Badge Subscribe RSS ...
simple_form | | your community gem host installgem install simple_form -v 3.1.0.rc1 --pre. Download Badge Subscribe RSS ...
#234 SimpleForm - RailsCasts 2010年10月4日 - Simple Form is a convenient way to generate forms with many ... gem ' simple_form'.
The Ruby Toolbox - Simple Form: Forms made easy! Simple Form. Forms made easy! Created with Raphaël ... Popular gems depending on simple_form.
The Ruby Toolbox - Form Builders Simple Form ... A Rails form builder plugin/gem with semantically rich and accessible markup. Website.
how to upgrade simple_form gem for bootstrap 3 - Stack Overflow 2014年7月5日 - Bootstrap 3 support for simple_form has not made it into a stable release yet. You can read ...
Integration of simple_form with bootstrap 3 - Stack Overflow 2013年9月21日 - Everything works fine except the forms which are generated by simple_form gem.
ASCIIcasts - “Episode 234 - Simple Form” To use SimpleForm we must first add the gem to the application's Gemfile . / Gemfile. gem "simple_form".